EHC - 2.3 Advanced PING

~ samedi 13 août 2016
2.3 PING – Foot-printing - Ethical Hacking Course ( EHC )

About :
In this practical, we are going to learn about ping utility .

Requirements :
Clean windows installation ( I will be using windows 8.1 )

Practical :

1. Open cmd ( check out last practicals to learn how ).

How ping works :
Whenever you ping an IP address , a request is sent to it. The IP responses with a result . This result is sent back to the host who pings.

2. Enter the command ping
Over Here , we are trying to ping . We will get some kind of result in return .
Output :
Reply from xx.xx.xx.xx : bytes= 32 Time=64ms TTL=46
Reply from xx.xx.xx.xx : bytes= 32 Time=64ms TTL=46
Reply from xx.xx.xx.xx : bytes= 32 Time=64ms TTL=46

Over here the IP address of google is shown as xx.xx.xx.xx
Bytes = 32 is the number of bytes sent in one ping which can me changed according to the requirement . More number of bytes means more traffic to the website.

Round Trip Time :
Round trip time is basically the time taken to ping a website and to get the response from the website . One complete cycle of ping and reply is known as round trip time ( RTT ) . RTT is basically in milliseconds .

3. enter the command ping -f -l 1500
Output :
Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.
Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.
Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set.

Over here we are trying to ping and send 1500 bytes of data at a time. We get a reply that the packets should be fragmented , which basically means packets are too large to be sent and should be fragmented . There is a certain limit of data that can be sent at a time .

Maximum Frame Size :
Maximum frame size is the amount of data that can be sent at a time to a host. If the maximum frame size is crossed , the request will be discarded . It is important to find maximum frame size . It helps us to find the amount of data to send during DOS attacks . Check video tutorial given below to learn how to find maximum frame size.

Time To Live :
TTL or time to live is the time when the host is live . If the TTL is set to 0 , all the packets are discarded . This prevents loss of packets and thus allows us to understand if the host is live or not and is live for how much time.

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