17 years old teen in Virginia sentenced to 11 year prison term for supporting ISIS on Twitter

~ mercredi 2 septembre 2015

A 17 years old teen in Virginia, United States has been sentenced to 11 years in prison by a US court. The sentence was announced by the court based on the conviction of the said teen that he has been supporting ISIS, the dreaded terrorist group on Twitter.

The name of the teen is Ali Shukri Amin and his Twitter handle was @Amreekiwitness and had 4000 Twitter users following him. Amin has been found guilty of encouraging people to support ISIS and this resulted in one of his friends joining ISIS. He has also been posting pro ISIS messages and links for supporting the terrorist organisation.

He has been found guilty of suggesting methods and motivating people to send money to ISIS and showing support for them. The growing menace of ISIS is not just limited to the ground where they have been murdering innocent victims or bombing monuments but is also felt in the cyberspace where ISIS and ISIS supports like the Virginia teen have been gaining a strong foothold.

This is a grave concern for several nations who are on the target of ISIS and the action by the US government in case of Amin confirms it that countries and governments are taking such associations with the terrorist organisations much more seriously.

According to John Carlin, the Assistant Attorney General for National Security for United States has highlighted the increasing threat of ISIS in the cyberspace by stating that ISIS is using the social media to influence and recruit youth and to use them against the western powers. He also continued to state that the US government remains committed to fighting the growing menace of ISIS and identify any such elements that have been posing a threat to the security of the United States and its citizens.

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